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Released 02/07/12 (39min)
The Story of Community Refugees

This story picked up when I was invited to video shoot a one time event of a refugee party. Upon arrival I notice that the party was larger than I anticipated it to be with television networks covering the event as well as a radio station. Michael McKee who heads up Grow Together build this ministry by wanting to help local refugees with building a garden for food. With the help and interests of others around Austin, Texas, this small project grew like the plants they planted. Other organizations and people got involved and Grow Togetheris now a full scale working ministry in helping the community of local refugees that came from different parts of the world like China, Nepal, Bhutan, Africa, and more. This uniquie outreach not only helps refugees grow their own food but help connect relationships and assistance. Watch this story and be apart in the lives of local refugees and a brutal story of one refugee named John Monger on hardships he faced from his native government as he made his way to America with an unwavering faith. This movie teaches friendships and looking into other cultures around  the world with the simple idea of making a garden together.

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